In her youth during the First Gulf War, Jasmin Taylor, who was born in Iran, emigrated to Germany. She learned the German language and completed her High School Diploma in Bonn.

After earning her Bachelor’s degree in psychology at the University of Maryland (USA), she completed her Master’s degree in Human Relations with distinction at the University of Oklahoma (USA). Her studies were based on a multidisciplinary field designed to promote democratic values, minority advocacy and social justice.
Back in Germany, Jasmin Taylor worked as a consultant, founder and entrepreneur in the tourism industry from 1999 onwards, namely in online travel agency, tour operator and destination and hotel project development.
During her tourism career, she has been awarded a number of prestigious prizes. For example, she was the first woman to be named Travel Industry Manager of the Year, the most prestigious award in the tourism industry.
During 2014/2015, she initiated the project SIS – Strong Independent Sisters, in which she supported refugee women from countries such as Iran, Afghanistan, Syria or Eritrea in learning the German language, acquiring qualifications for the German labour market and finding a training position or job. The non-profit project was awarded the “Hatun Sürücü” prize by Bündnis 90/Die Grünen in 2015.
Her know-how as a tourism expert is also appreciated in the industry outside of her own ventures. Since summer 2019, for example, Jasmin Taylor has been a member of the supervisory board of the prestigious HanseMerkur Reiseversicherung AG. She was a testimonial at Google – Google Play and at Mercedes-Benz in the “She Is Mercedes” campaign.
Jasmin Taylor fights for the secularisation as well as democratisation of Iran and especially for equal rights for women.
In mid-October 2023, Jasmin Taylor publishes her first book entitled „IM NAMEN GOTTES – Die Unterdrückung der Frauen im Iran” (“IN THE NAME OF GOD – the oppression of women in Iran”). A frightening analysis of how the free world watches and partly supports the systematic oppression of Iranian girls and women.